The fourth game relegated Tarma and Eri to the sidelines, while newcomers Trevor and Nadia took their places for a while. The series began with the Peregrine Falcon squad, Marco and Tarma, then added the Sparrows team, Eri and Fio, who together all form the core of the series. Over the course of the series, he makes deals with rebels, mad scientists, demons, and even aliens in his bid to change the world. The rather threadbare ( at least in the games proper) stories usually involve the general Donald Morden, who is leading a rebel army to take control of the world. If you're truly desperate you can cause it to self-destruct, ejecting you into a somersault and rushing headlong into the enemy before blowing up. and the lowest-velocity high explosive cannon the world has ever seen. It can duck, it can jump, it's got two Vulcan miniguns. The series' name refers to the incredibly cool, heavily armed one-seater tankette shown to your right. Shoot everything that takes damage, rescue prisoners, collect power-ups from their underwear, and do your best to stay alive. Basically, it's a Run-and-Gun Shoot 'Em Up series. note The first game was actually created by Nazca Corporation, a company founded by former Irem employees after the closure of Irem's arcade division in 1994 and merged into SNK a few years later, losing the Nazca name in the process. Metal Slug is a series of games from SNK.